Camel milk: the tastiest alternative to cow's milk!
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General terms & conditions

You accept these terms when you place an order for one of the products of Camel Dairy Smits (Kamelenmelkerij Smits).

1. General
1.1 These Conditions shall apply to all legal relationships between Camel Dairy Smits, hereinafter referred to as "the entrepreneur" and the buyer / client, hereinafter referred to as "customer".
1.2 Changes of these terms or variations on specific parts of the agreement are only valid after written agreement by Camel Dairy Smits.
1.3 In case of conflict between the text of the website, brochures, advertisements or other general advertising by Camel Dairy Smits and these Terms and Conditions, the latter shall prevail.

2. Orders
2.1 Orders must be submitted by the webshop or otherwise by email.
2.2 Changes or cancellations of orders must be made via email within 24 hours after the order is placed. For changes or cancellations after this period, the entrepreneur is entitled to proceed with the original order and to claim the payment.
2.3 Orders placed via the webshop, can be canceled as long as the payment has not yet been done.

3. Payment
3.1 Payment must be made in advance by one of the offered payment option in the webshop or otherwise by transfer the money to the bank account number that will be provided on request by the entrepreneur.
3.2 Orders are sent usually once a week on a fixed day and always only after the payment is received by the entrepreneur.
3.3 If the payment reference, one should mention the order number that is provided through the webshop and when no order number is given, mention name and order description. If the information of the customer is not sufficient enough to carry out the shipment of the order, the delivery will only be carried out after the customer applied the information correctly and completely to the entrepreneur.

4. Price
4.1 The standard prices of the products and / or services may be increased as a result of changes in VAT rates.
4.2 The entrepreneur can sell products or services at variable prices if prices are subjected to fluctuations in the financial market on which the entrepreneur has no influence. If this is the case, this is will be specified in the information of the product.
4.3 The prices include VAT unless explicitly stated otherwise.
4.4 The transport costs include the shipping and packing costs and administration and operation costs.
4.5 Any offers do not automatically be valid for future orders and these offers may be ended at any time by the entrepreneur. If the order is made by the customer in the period that the offer was still valid, the entrepreneur must also offer the order for that price.

5. Delivery and implementation
5.1 The entrepreneur will try to receive and carry out the orders with the utmost care.
5.2 The entrepreneur will carry out the accepted orders as quickly as possible and at least within 15 working days, unless a longer delivery term has been agreed. If an order is not or only partially carried out, the client will receive a message. In this case the customer has the right to cancel the order without expenses. In that case, the entrepreneur will reimburse the amount the customer has paid as soon as possible but no later than 30 days after cancellation.
5.3 The risk of damage and / or loss of products rests with the entrepreneur until the time of submission to the shipping company, unless otherwise agreed expressly.
5.4 The entrepreneur is not responsible for delay or missing of the product after it has been handed in to the transport company.
5.5 The place of delivery is the address given by the customer to the entrepreneur.
5.6 After the order is received, the order should be checked by the customer. Complaints must be communicated to the entrepreneur within 24 hours after the receive. Complaints must be done in writing. The entrepreneur is not obliged to pay any damages, if the order is, due to circumstances beyond our control, is delivered incorrect or incomplete to the customer, unless this damage or incompleteness is caused by willful misconduct or gross negligence of the entrepreneur. In this case the damage restitution is limited to the value of the order.
5.7 Delivery time is 1-2 working days after shipment within Europe.


6. To return
6.1 It is not possible to return food products, unless the shelf life of the product on delivery is less than three months. These products must be sent back in original, unopened packaging and has to be sent registered.
6.2 Other products can be returned within 7 days can be returned. Shipping costs are for the customer. The cost of the product will be refunded as soon as possible and at most within 30 days after receipt of the goods by the entrepreneur.

7. Odds
7.1 The employer is not obliged to perform any obligation to the customer if he is hindered due to circumstances beyond the operator's control. This is seen as force majeure.
7.2 Force majeure is in these terms mean, all external causes, foreseen or unforeseen, which the trader has no influence.
7.3 Force majeure shall be understood to outbreaks of animal diseases, which the firm is required to close. In that case, the entrepreneur forced to suspend all orders until further period to be determined. The customer will be informed in writing as soon as the obligation to conclude at the entrepreneur known. In the case of animal disease outbreak, the entrepreneur can not be held liable for failure to deliver products. Any costs already paid by the customer as soon as possible and within 30 days refunded to the customer.

8. Complaints
8.1 The entrepreneur committed with great care to receive and execute orders. Nevertheless, it is possible that customers have a legitimate complaint think they have. Complaints relating to damage, incorrect or not fully delivered, orders must be as stated in Article 5.6, within 24 hours of receiving written reported.
8.2 Other complaints must be paid within one month after delivery in writing and motivated by mail shall be submitted to the entrepreneur.
08.03 filing of a complaint within a period of 14 days (from the date of receipt) answered. If a complaint is a foreseeable longer processing time, then the trader within the period of 14 days responded with a message of welcome and an indication of when you can expect a more detailed answer.

9. Right
9.1 Contracts between the operator and the customer to which these general conditions apply, only Dutch law

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Terms and Conditions camel milk subscription

With the camel milk subscription you can get camel milk sent with a discount.
This can be every week, every two weeks or once every four weeks.
The minimum duration of the subscription is four deliveries.
The minimum cancellation period is five weeks before the last day of shipment. You can cancel only via [email protected]

The bottles of camel milk are sent on Monday (unless otherwise indicated, for example, due to public holidays).

The shipment can be canceled or postponed on average once every quarter. This must be indicated two weeks in advance via [email protected]  (this is not possible by telephone).


The possibilities of payment are:


1)     Payment by direct debit

Once every four weeks a direct debit will take place in the week prior to those four weeks. An invoice is sent to the customer by email. The shipment dates are on this invoice.

Because the direct debit is only carried out once every four weeks, when entering into a new subscription the customer will be asked to transfer the amount itself through the bank until the next direct debit. The customer will of course be informed about this.


If the direct debit can’t be collected, a notification will be sent to the customer once by email. In that case, the customer will have to take care of the payment. If the payment is not received in time for the planned shipping date, the shipment will take place on the first possible shipping day after receiving the payment. The remaining shipments will still take place on the scheduled dates.

In the event of several unsuccessful direct debits, the method of the payment will be changed to a bank transfer (see payment method 2).

If a direct debit has been successfully executed but is intentionally, without consultation, canceled by the customer, the subscription will be terminated immediately.


2)     Payment via bank transfer

An invoice will be sent from the Camel Dairy once every four weeks prior to those four weeks. The shipping dates are on this invoice. The customer is responsible for ensuring that the amount due is transferred at least one week before the shipment to:

Bank No: 136078672
IBAN: NL79RABO0136078672
Name of the bank: Rabobank

In the name of Kamelenmelkerij Smits, with in the description the invoice number.

€ 5,- administration costs will be charged per invoice.

For payments from abroad please take into account that it takes a few days before it is credited to the relevant account number.